Hello! I am a Research Assistant at NSU Optics Lab of North South University, where I work on computer vision and machine learning with a focus on medical imaging.
I'm interested in computer vision and machine learning with a focus on medical imaging (Microscopy, WSI, Histopathology, Radiology, Ultrasounds etc). In particular, my research interest lies in the following areas.
The application of Deep learning and Machine leraning algorithms for medical diagonosis and prognosis.
Usage of deep learning to design human level CAD (Computer-Aided-Diagonostic) systems.
Exploring the effectiveness and inefficiences of Deep learnng and Machine learning algorithms & techniques.
Pushing the SOTA (state-of-the-art) of algorithmic design of very deep neural networks.
I am also actively involved in Quantum Computing research projects in NSU Optics and Quantum Mechanics Lab.
17, Dec, 2020: One Paper is Accepted at Tissue and Cell.
27, Nov, 2022: One Paper is Accepted at Computers in Biology and Medicine.
With the advent of deep learing algorithms in medial domain, there is a need for quality and large datasets. In this work, we introduced the largest microscopic blood cell segmentation dataset and benchmark different state-of-the-art algorithms on it. Our findings and contributions are particularly helpful for researchers working in deep learning with applications in medial domain.
In a plethora of imbalanced classification techniques, to decide on a specific one for imbalance handeling is an ambiguous task. With our effort, in this paper, we have performed extensive analysis on State-Of-The-Art imbalanced calssification techniques. We have presented emperical evidance that loss-based tecniques perform better than input-based and GAN-based techniques in high imbalance scenario.
Taught Quantum Computing coding (Qiskit) 19 senior year students in spring 2022 and 20 senior year students in
summer 2022 respectively at North South University.
Covered topics are quantum gates, superposition, entanglement, heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, teleportation, super
dense coding, quantum error correction along with building and debugging quantum circuits in simulator and running on
real quantum devices on cloud.
Taught Python Programming and Deep Learning to University Students in Mahdy Research Academy.